Mac Or windows?

Mac Or Windows? Computer Support Explains
By James Mark Madison | Submitted On February 08, 2010
Any user looking to buy a new computer has to come across the perennial debate, Mac or PC. To win such an argument you must have clear knowledge on both the operating systems and their pros and cons. Several logical points are present in both the camps but the matter ultimately boils down to your personal preferences and requirements. In fact, one would think from the media buzz that computer users broadly fall into two distinct categories – Macintosh users and Windows users. Majority of computer support professionals conclude Mac, in general, is more user-friendly than Windows. It’s built in video computer help tutorial provides a consistent support across all the applications and most of the actions are drag and drop based. But there is a fair chance to loss data if you don’t follow the given tech support tutorial properly.
To be fair, periodic freeze-ups and diverse error messages are very common in Windows. But according to recent tech update Windows has become less prone to crash with functional improvement. Just take a break; if you are passionate about music, nothing is comparable with a Macintosh. Mac is considered to be essential for music compilation, album creation and doing similar other cool stuffs. So I said earlier it’s totally up to you to decide whether you need a Mac or PC.
Even a few years ago the fundamental components and features of system architectures were so different that it was difficult to compare Mac with a PC. But now with technological advancement a logical comparison is highly plausible. Now you can compare the systems from their interface usability to hardware setups and every other functional aspect. Furthermore, as computer support technicians reveal both the companies buy memory drive, hard disk and graphic cards from the similar suppliers. Though the overall system setups are different but are very similar in multimedia and other creative applications. So, from hardware standpoint, they are about the same. Earlier, price was one of the main factors to go with Windows, however, that field has also been leveled; the prices of both the systems are almost similar.
Mac and Windows differ in software implantation. For a finer mixing and tune up in hardware and software, Mac is your system, but if you can afford that mix and match and tailored system assembly, computer support technicians will suggest you to go with a PC. The true difference between the systems lies in the way they hardware and peripherals are been packaged. The leading PC manufacturer can make almost any combination of processor, software applications and peripherals, as much as you can think of, even they can make your PC matching to that Apple’s models.

Today computer support or specialized operating system support professionals are also providing assistance to run Windows in Mac systems so that you don’t have to afford two computers to avail the best of them. Online technical support services are given to configure a Mac with Windows applications. However, ask yourself what actually you want and decide on either of the systems accordingly.
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